Friday, December 6, 2013

Finals Week and Sickness

Hello readers, my name is Juan Dunlap and I will be filling you in about various aspects of my college life as a freshman at Muskingum University. I hope you enjoy and happy reading!

The first semester of college has gone by so fast, I have found students to study with and discuss homework assignment when I have trouble. I cannot believe it is time for final exams already. I have tried to study and maintain my grades, but I know the grade on the finals is very important, which, as it should, worries me a little. I contracted some sort of food poisoning when I was doing the play and then went a whole week untreated because I just thought I had a virus. Upon realizing that the problem was more serious, I went to the doctor and I was given an antibiotic. Unfortuantly, I had an allergic reaction to this antibiotic and had to switch after just a couple days. The second antibiotic worked well and I thought I was finally over my illness, but the week before Thanksgiving I began to have problems again and had to go see the doctor again. I was given another round of antibiotics, but unfortunately this also did not help for long. That leads to this week in which I have been quite ill. A day or so ago, I again saw the doctor again and was given even more antibiotics so I can hopefully make it through finals week without major problems because right now, I feel terrible. Next Monday I have an appointment in Wheeling with a specialist to try to hopefully find a diagnosis and a reason as to why I cannot seem to recover fully. This again makes me worried for finals, because if I am sick, taking test will be much more difficult and there is a chance I would have to leave during the testing period in order to use the restroom. Even studying for finals has been difficult because I am so tired from losing fluids. Also, I haven’t been able to eat much of anything for five days and I have lost seven pounds since this whole problem started.

As finals week moves closer, this will probably be one of my last posts for a while, maybe til next semester, or maybe longer. I hope anyone reading this enjoyed an insight to my life as freshman at Muskingum University!


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