Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Being a Commuter at Muskingum

Hello readers, my name is Juan Dunlap and I will be filling you in about various aspects of my college life as a freshman at Muskingum University. I hope you enjoy and happy reading!

Today I'm going to speak about commuting to college. At first I was pretty adverse to the idea, but now that I have have been doing it for awhile, commuting is not all that bad. The two toughest things are probably getting up earlier in order to ensure I can get to Muskingum in time and then finding a parking space once I get to Muskingum. I do not really know if you can even call these problems, because I never have any classes before 10 and there is always parking for commuters, just maybe not in as ideal of places as I would like. I have never been late to college, so I guess I have a good schedule down for waking up, showering, and preparing to leave. Even through roadwork, I have always been on time. As for the parking, the closest parking area to all my classes is in the lot below Cambridge Hall. Unfortunately, this lot is nearly always full, because it also happens to be the closest for just about every other commuter. My next option is the Stag and Ulster lot. This lot is further away, but still within reasonable walking distance. Unfortunately, it also adds a small hill to my walk to class; this hill happens to be right in the middle, so I walk up it both on the way to classes and on my way back to my car. For the Cambridge Hall lot, I only have to walk uphill one way. Also, the Stag and Ulster lot is never full, so I can always park there. I normally do park there unless I am lucky enough to find an open space in the Cambridge Hall lot.

Being a commuter does have disadvantages. For instance, a lot of campus events happen later in the evenings. Since my classes all end at around three, if I want to attend one of these events, I have to either hang around until the event or drive home only to drive right back a few hours later. Because of this, I have very rarely attended evening events at Muskingum. Even though, I still enjoy being a commuter. I do intend to live on campus next year, but I have no negativity towards being a commuter.
Well that's about all for this post. This blog will be updated rather regularly throughout the remainder of my Freshman year. See you next time!


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